Contemporary Business Administration

In accordance with the orientation of Palestine Polytechnic University in offering remarkable and new programmes, while believing in the education importance in raising the community's level, supporting it with graduates who are capable of performing services and development activities in all corresponding domains, and in response to the changes that have emerged on the business world, the College of Administrative Sciences and Informatics has initiated the “Contemporary Business Administration” programme; in order to be able of supplying the community with managerial and leading staff capable of fulfilling the needs of the various economical sectors and labour markets.


جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين،
كلية العلوم الإدارية ونظم المعلومات،
صندوق بريد: 198
جبل أبو رمان، الخليل، فلسطين.

البريد الإلكتروني:


(+970) 2 2235505
(+970) 2 2231921