College History

The college was founded in 1995 where it initiated the Information Systems Program. The college then launched the Contemporary Business Administration and Information Technology Programs. As a result of a number of surveys, the college decided to introduce a number of programs that serve the local and international markets. Currently, the college is offering the following programs that lead to a bachelor degree:

  •  Information Systems
  •  Contemporary Business Administration
  •   Contemporary Business Administration / minor: Project Management
  •  Contemporary Business Administration / minor: Entrepreneurship in Business
  •  Contemporary Business Administration / minor: Accounting
  •  Accounting
  •  Accounting / minor: Business Economics
  •  Business Economics
  •  E-Marketing
  • Graphics and Multimedia

In 2017, the College applied for accreditation for a Master's degree in Administrative Sciences.

The college was distinguished by introducing  a bridging program for the graduates of intermediate diploma to join in the various programs of the college.

The college has received advanced positions in many evaluations and gained the trust of public and private institutions. Many of its students have got awards in innovation and entrepreneurship at the local and Arab Universities. Some of them hold high positions in the companies they work at.


جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين،
كلية العلوم الإدارية ونظم المعلومات،
صندوق بريد: 198
جبل أبو رمان، الخليل، فلسطين.

البريد الإلكتروني:


(+970) 2 2235505
(+970) 2 2231921