Objectives and General Policies


CASI’s strategic objectives:

1.     Provide distinguished undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of administrative, economic, and financial sciences.

2.     Enhance and improve quality in teaching, learning and educational environment.

3.     Enhance and develop scientific research in the College.

4.     Contribute to electronic change in the community.

5.     Enhance and develop the mutual exchange between the college and the other institutions.

CASI General Policies


These policies focus on covering all the activities undertaken by the College to achieve its mission and strategic objectives and goals:


1.     Apply all the rules to ensure quality in the various College activities that are related to education, administrative work, scientific research and community service.

2.     Continuous development of all the College activities.

3.     Meet the needs and expectations of the community.

4.     Optimal use of resources.

5.     Use all the various technological development in all the College activities.

6.     Follow the College strategic and its executive plans to decide on the mechanisms that ensure the  implementation of the plans to the fullest.

7.     Comply to the College, university   and scientific research ethical values.

8.     Respect the common values and the ethics of the community.

9.     Document all activities.


جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين،
كلية العلوم الإدارية ونظم المعلومات،
صندوق بريد: 198
جبل أبو رمان، الخليل، فلسطين.

البريد الإلكتروني: casi@ppu.edu


(+970) 2 2235505
(+970) 2 2231921